
Replacing VTEP with NanoVTEP

Written by Amy Larson | January 27, 2021

As Keysight prepares to phase out VTEP Vectorless probing and moves toward NanoVTEP Vectorless probing after February 2021, Circuit Check is ready to help with this transition.   

NanoVTEP offers improved repeatability and supports small outline component packaging down to 4mm x 4mm in size. NanoVTEP has proven abilities to improve the mean signal and CPK value more than 40% and 150% respectively, compared to VTEP.

NanoVTEP Vectorless probing fixtures are supported on any Keysight 307x running version 9.2 or later with Windows 7 or Windows 10. If your 307x software is earlier than version 9.2 and you wish to upgrade your system, please contact Keysight directly.